ارقام كتر للدول في مارك Geographic Cutter Numbers

      Abyssinia Afghanistan = A3
      Africa = A35
        Africa, Central = A352
        Africa, East = A353
        Africa, Eastern = A354
        Africa, French-Speaking West = A3545
        Africa, North = A355
        Africa, Northeast = A3553
        Africa, Northwest = A3554
        Africa, South
        Africa, Southern = A356
        Africa, Sub-Saharan = A357
        Africa, West = A358
      Albania = A38
      Algeria = A4
      America = A45
      American Samoa = A46
      Andorra = A48
      Angola = A5
      Anguilla = A54
      Antarctic Regions = A6
      Antigua = A63
      Arab Countries = A65
      Arctic Regions = A68
      Argentina = A7
      Armenia = A75
      Armenia (Republic) = A76
      Aruba = A77
      Asia = A78
      Australasia = A788
      Australia = A8
      Austria = A9
      Azerbaijan = A98
      Bahamas = B24
      Bahrain = B26
      Balkan Peninsula = B28
      Baltic States = B29
      Bangladesh = B3
      Barbados = B35
      Belarus = B38
      Belgium = B4
      Belize = B42
      Benelux Countries = B425
      Bengal = B43
      Benin = B45
      Bermuda = B46
      Bhutan = B47
      Bolivia = B5
      Bosnia and Hercegovinia = B54
      Botswana = B55
      Brazil = B6
      British Guiana
      British Honduras Brunei = B7
      Bulgaria = B9
      Burkina Faso = B92
      Burma = B93
      Burundi = B94
      Byzantine Empire = B97
      Cambodia = C16
      Cameroon = C17
      Canada = C2
      Canary Islands = C23
      Carribean Area = C27
      Caucasus = C28
      Cayman Islands = C29
      Central African Republic = C33
      Central America = C35
      Central Europe = C36
      Chad = C45
      Chile = C5
      China = C6
      Colombia = C7
      Commonwealth Countries = C723
      Communist Countries = C725
      Comoros = C73
      Congo (Brazzaville) = C74
      Cook Islands = C76
      Costa Rica = C8
      C�te d'Ivoire = I9
      Croatia = C87
      Cuba = C9
      Cyprus = C93
      Czechoslovakia = C95
      Dahomey Denmark = D4
      Developing Countries = D44
      Djibouti = D5
      Dominican Republic = D65
      Dutch East Indies
      Dutch Guiana
      East Asia = E18
      Ecuador = E2
      Egypt = E3
      El Salvador
      Ellice Islands England Estonia = E75
      Ethiopia = E8
      Eurasia = E83
      Europe = E85
        Europe, Central Europe, Eastern = E852
        Europe, Northern = E853
        Europe, Southern = E854
        Europe, Western
      European Economic Community countries = E86
      European Free Trade Association countries = E87
      Falkland Islands = F3
      Faroe Islands = F32
      Fiji Islands = F4
      Finland = F5
      Former Soviet republics
      Formosa France = F8
      French Guiana = F9
      French Polynesia = F93
      Gabon = G2
      Gambia = G25
      Georgia(Republic) = G28
      Germany = G3
      Germany (Democratic Republic)
      Germany (East) Germany (Federal Republic) Germany (West) Ghana = G4
      Gilbert Islands
      Great Britain = G7
      Greece = G8
      Greenland = G83
      Grenada = G84
      Guadeloupe = G845
      Guam = G85
      Guatemala = G9
      Guinea = G92
      Guinea-Bissau = G93
      Guyana = G95
      Haiti = H2
      Hispaniola = H55
      Honduras = H8
      Hong Kong = H85
      Hungary = H9
      Iceland = I2
      India = I4
      Indochina = I48
      Indonesia = I5
      Inner Mongolia
      Iran = I7
      Iraq = I72
      Ireland = I73
      Islamic Countries = I74
      Islamic Empire = I742
      Islands of the Indian Ocean = I743
      Israel = I75
      Italy = I8
      Ivory Coast
    J K
      Kampuchea Kazakhstan = K3
      Kenya = K4
      Kiribati = K5
      Korea = K6
      Korea (Democratic People's Republic)
      Korea (North) = K7
      Korea (Republic)
      Korea (South) Kuwait = K9
      Kyrgyzstan = K98
      Laos = L28
      Latin America = L29
      Latvia = L35
      Lebanon = L4
      Lesotho = L5
      Liberia = L7
      Libya = L75
      Liechtenstein = L76
      Lithuania = L78
      Luxembourgh = L9
      Macao = M25
      Macedonia = M27
      Macedonia(Republic) = M275
      Madagascar = M28
      Malagasy Republic
      Malawi = M3
      Malay Archipelago = M35
      Malaysia = M4
      Maldives = M415
      Mali = M42
      Malta = M43
      Martinique = M435
      Mauritania = M44
      Mauritius = M45
      Melanesia = M5
      Mexico = M6
      Micronesia = M625
      Middle East = M628
      Moldova = M629
      Monaco = M63
      Mongolia = M65
      Mongolia (Mongolian Peoples Republic)
      Montenegro Monteserrat = M7
      Morocco = M8
      Mozambique = M85
      Namibia = N3
      Near East
      Nepal = N35
      Netherlands = N4
      New Guinea = N43
      New Hebrides
      New Zealand = N45
      Nicaragua = N5
      Niger = N55
      Nigeria = N6
      North America = N7
      Northern Ireland
      Northern Rhodesia Norway = N8
      Oceania = O3
      Oman = O5
      Outer Mongolia
      Pacific Area = P16
      Pakistan = P18
      Palestine = P19
      Panama = P2
      Papua New Guinea = P26
      Paraguay = P3
      Persian Gulf Region = P35
      Peru = P4
      Philippines = P6
      Poland = P7
      Polynesia = P75
      Portugal = P8
      Prussia, East = P85
      Puerto Rico = P9
      Qatar = Q2
      Reunion = R4
      Rhodesia, Northern
      Rhodesia, Southern Romania = R6
      Russia = R8
      Russia (Federation)
      Rwanda = R95
      Sahel = S15
      Saint Kitts-Nevis = S16
      Saint Vincent = S18
      Salvador = S2
      Samoan Islands = S24
      San Marino = S27
      Sao Tome and Principe = S3
      Saudi Arabia = S33
      Scandinavia = S34

      Senegal = S38
      Seychelles = S45
      Siberia Sierra Leone = S5
      Singapore = S55
      Slovakia = S56
      Slovenia = S57
      Somalia = S58
      South Africa = S6
      South America = S63
      South Asia = S64
      Soviet Union = S65
      Spain = S7
      Sri Lanka = S72
      Sudan = S73
      Surinam = S75
      Swaziland = S78
      Sweden = S8
      Switzerland = S9
      Syria = S95
      Taiwan = T28
      Tajikistan = T3
      Tamil Nadu
      Tanganyika Tanzania = T34
      Terres australes et antarctiques francaises = T47
      Thailand = T5
      Tibet = T55
      Togo = T6
      Tonga = T63
      Trinidad and Tobago = T7
      Tropics = T73
      Tunisia = T8
      Turkey = T9
      Turkmenistan = T93
      Tuvalu = T95
      Uganda = U33
      Ukraine = U38
      United Arab Emirates = U5
      United States = U6
      Upper Volta
      Uruguay = U8
      Uzbekistan = U9
      Vanuatu = V26
      Vatican City = V3
      Venezuela = V4
      Vietnam = V5
      Vietnam (Democratic Republic)
      Virgin Islands = V6
      Virgin Islands of the United States = V63
      Wales West Indies , British = W47
      West Indies, French = W48
      Western Australia
      Yemen = Y4
      Yemen (Peoples Democratic Republic)
      Yugoslavia = Y8
      Zaire = Z28
      Zambezi River Region = Z32
      Zambia = Z33
       = Z55


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